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05/05 2023

Hvad er bevidsthed ? - Ervin Laszlo søger at give et svar på Sostrup Slot lørdag d. 25/6 kl. 14-17

Overvær dette eksklusive foredrag med den verdensberømte Dr. Ervin Laszlo - international anerkendt forsker og nomineret til Nobels fredspris. Foredraget foregår på engelsk. Det koster 300 kr. at være med.

Ervin Laszlo.
Arrangørerne skriver:

An extraordinary lecture with Dr. Ervin Laszlo.

We are honored to welcome Dr. Ervin Laszlo to Sostrup Castle where he invites you to an extraordinary lecture on "Consciousness".

Dr. Ervin Laszlo is a world-renowned respected scientist, systems philosopher, integral theorist, and classical pianist. Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, he has authored more than seventy books, which have been translated into twenty-four languages, and has published in excess of four hundred articles and research papers, including six volumes of piano recordings.

Dr. Ervin Laszlo says:
"In the modern world the common assumption is that the stream of experience we call consciousness is generated by the living brain. We experience consciousness throughout our life and conventional thinking tells us consciousness is the images, sensations, thoughts, and feelings produced by our brain. As long as the brain functions, it generates a stream of electrons; electricity and as well as a stream of sensations; consciousness. When the living brain shuts down, these streams vanish — consciousness no longer exists. But does it truly vanish, or is that a mistaken conception ? - Contemporary consciousness research suggests an answer".

Dr. Ervin Laszlo looks behind the veil of the commonly held assumptions about the human mind and body, consciousness and reality. "Consciousness is more, far more, than a product of the brain. It is a phenomenon that transcends our physical being", says Dr. Ervin Laszlo.

Det er hér dét sker:
Sostrup Slot
Maria Hjerte Engen 1
8500 Grenaa
Tlf: 20439155

Kilde: Sostrup Slot.



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